The coronavirus is shutting down plants across America and leaving the USA dangerously close to meat shortages as outbreaks have now spread to suppliers across the Nation. According to a report fromYahoo Almost a third of the U.S. pork capacity is down, and the first big poultry plants closed on Friday, leaving experts warning that domestic shortages are only weeks away. Indiana has 1 tyson plant shut down and 1 large hog processor shutdown New U.S. shutdowns are accelerating as Smithfield Foods Inc., the world’s top pork producer stated on Friday that it was closing another operation, this one in Illinois. That report came less than an hour after Hormel Foods Corp. said it was idling two of its Jennie-O turkey plants in Minnesota. Prices will inflate I'm a farmer I no what I'm talking about broiler operations are throwing hatching eggs out they take 8 to 10 weeks to raise hogs are being killed by the thousands they take 6 months to raise cattle take a year. Leaves us with meat shortages high prices and a possible influx of chinese meat in american stores while the USDA kills thousands of our own animals to go the landfill get ready this show is only beginnin
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Hidden small local farmers will be invaluable in the days ahead. If you have land put seed of anything and everything into the ground quickly. This is so that you can sustain yourself, your family, and others if necessary. Strive for a homesteading model that is far removed from the Babylonian umbilical cord. No more grocery store, electrical company, or utilities. Make your own soap, grow and collect your own wood via trees, raise chickens, live off the land basically, and go back to a bartering model of acquiring goods. Keep a close circle of friends and neighbors you trust. Call on the Lord as our collective savior is the most important one as He is coming back during all this craziness. Just read Daniel 11 and the book of Revelations if your even remotely doubting what time it is. Dr. Kim Gene does a good investigative examination of scriptures as well on how this time has the highest probability of being the "end of days" we were told about. Hope many benefit from this post.
They kill the hogs pour the milk out kill the chickens because farms today are not like mine you basically have 3 corporations in the USA that feed Americans these companies own the livestock called contract farming so when you cant butcher the animals and u have a contract for another 1200 to come in you have to kill them and because processing plants cant take em and because the farms are contract growers they cant just sell to general public. People need start buying local at local meat markets those animals come from farms like me or better yet buy from a farmer directly or raise your own. It keeps the gene pool alive. On all these major farms there all same breed of hogs chickens turkeys ducks cows that's asking for trouble.
How bad do you think it will be? Do you see this extending through the winter?
Starting april 29th Minnesota opens up a slaughter house to just kill 13,000 pigs a day being dumped into landfills dairy farms are pouring milk out and broiler operations have been breaking eggs instead of hatching them in total roughly 160,000 hogs a day are being euthanized people dont understand it's not going to happen at once but day after day it's going to be a ripple effect and I I belive most think the economy is great and will just go back to normal but when it finnaly sinks into their heads this will all snowball quickly in the coming weeks prepare
Trump just order all meat processors must stay open should help gives me a sigh of relife in shtf scenario I always think of the welfare of my livestock and I was scared people would either kill them because they envy or steal them now I'm not as concerned for NOW
Thanks for the information bro, especially coming from a farmer.
This also combined with the coming solar minimum and possible global cooling could compound the problem